HCSGD entry for HBG2

1. General information

Official gene symbolHBG2
Entrez ID3048
Gene full namehemoglobin, gamma G
Other gene symbolsTNCY
Links to Entrez GeneLinks to Entrez Gene

2. Neighbors in the network

color bar
This gene isn't in Literature mining network.

3. Gene ontology annotation


GO term



GO:0005344Oxygen transporter activityIEAmolecular_function
GO:0005506Iron ion bindingIEAmolecular_function
GO:0005833Hemoglobin complexIEAcellular_component
GO:0007596Blood coagulationTASbiological_process
GO:0019825Oxygen bindingIEAmolecular_function
GO:0020037Heme bindingIEAmolecular_function
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4. Expression levels in datasets

  • Meta-analysis result

p-value upp-value downFDR upFDR down

  • Individual experiment result
    ( "-" represent NA in the specific microarray platform )

Data sourceUp or downLog fold change

5. Regulation relationships with compounds/drugs/microRNAs

  • Compounds

Not regulated by compounds

  • Drugs

Not regulated by drugs

  • MicroRNAs

  • mirTarBase
No target information from mirTarBase
  • mirRecord
No target information from mirRecord

6. Text-mining results about the gene

Gene occurances in abstracts of cellular senescence-associated articles: 10 abstracts the gene occurs.

PubMed ID of the article

Sentenece the gene occurs

23889086Membrane peroxidation and methemoglobin formation are both necessary for band 3 clustering: mechanistic insights into human erythrocyte senescence
23889086Here we show that while neither membrane peroxidation nor methemoglobin (MetHb) formation on their own can induce band 3 clustering in the human erythrocytes, they can do so when acting in combination
10593595Incubation of rat erythrocytes with the hydroxylated metabolites of aniline and dapsone (4-4'-diaminodiphenylsulfone), phenylhydroxylamine and dapsone hydroxylamine, respectively, induced marked release of iron and methemoglobin formation
10593595On the contrary, no release of iron nor methemoglobin formation was seen when the erythrocytes were incubated with the parent compounds (aniline and dapsone)
10593595The acute intoxication of rats with aniline or dapsone induced a marked increase in the erythrocyte content of free iron and methemoglobin, indicating that the xenobiotics are effective only after biotransformation to toxic metabolites in vivo
8960777Oxidative stress appears to be responsible for the generation of senescent cell antigen on erythrocytes, to which anti-band 3 antibodies bind, since erythrocytes oxidized in vitro bind anti-band 3 IgG, and various oxidative modifications are observed in senescent erythrocytes as well as the erythrocytes with abnormal hemoglobin
8679546Nitrite treatment of intact cells produced almost complete conversion to methemoglobin, but no detectable lipid extraction
7827135Pretreatment of young cells with (a) cobalt, which blocks Ca2+ influx through calcium channels, or (b) carbon monoxide, which prevents methemoglobin formation, inhibited the peroxide-induced increase in ionic intracellular calcium
8679516In humans, red cell oxidation processes, involving methemoglobin formation, have been correlated with cellular aging
8679516Reduced glutathione levels (GSH) and methemoglobin were higher in chicken and ostrich cells than in human cells
8679516Ostrich cells were more sensitive to hydrogen peroxide when hemoglobin oxidation was involved; BHP exposure affected GSH depletion and methemoglobin production in ostrich cells more than in the others
2014146This oxidation product was not methemoglobin but a trivalent, high-spin iron compound
1805603Selective binding of met-hemoglobin to erythrocytic membrane: a possible involvement in red blood cell aging
3619637Incubating isolated erythrocytes in phosphate buffered saline supplied with sufficient glucose (20 mM) for several days resulted in methemoglobin formation and decrease in glycolytic and antioxidant enzyme activities
3012219Reduced glutathione (GSH), GSH stability and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity in fractionated red cells decreased with age, while oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and methemoglobin (MetHb) increased with age
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