Data Section
We provide the links of the various data sources in the GEO, including the gene expression profiling data, microRNA expression profiling data and methylation data about human.
Gene Expression Data
microArray Expression datasets
15 sets of microArray gene expression data are collected from the GEO database. Each dataset is composed of senescent samples and growing samples.
Integrative Meta-analysis
We made an integrative meta-analysis of these 15 microArray gene expression data sets through a rank-based method.
microRNA Expression Data
microRNA datasets
6 sets of microRNA expression profiling data are collected from the GEO database. Each data set is composed of senescent samples and growing samples.
microRNAs' fold changes
We only provide the microRNAs' Fold Changes, because the intersection of these 6 microRNA sets is very small.
Methylation Data
Methylation datasets
For the methylation data, we only provide the dataset links