HCSGD entry for PRL

1. General information

Official gene symbolPRL
Entrez ID5617
Gene full nameprolactin
Other gene symbols
Links to Entrez GeneLinks to Entrez Gene

2. Neighbors in the network

color bar
This gene isn't in PPI subnetwork.

3. Gene ontology annotation


GO term



GO:0005148Prolactin receptor bindingTASmolecular_function
GO:0005179Hormone activityIEAmolecular_function
GO:0005515Protein bindingIPImolecular_function
GO:0005576Extracellular regionTAScellular_component
GO:0007166Cell surface receptor signaling pathwayTASbiological_process
GO:0007565Female pregnancyNASbiological_process
GO:0008283Cell proliferationTASbiological_process
GO:0040014Regulation of multicellular organism growthIEPbiological_process
GO:0046427Positive regulation of JAK-STAT cascadeIDAbiological_process
GO:0060397JAK-STAT cascade involved in growth hormone signaling pathwayTASbiological_process
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4. Expression levels in datasets

  • Meta-analysis result

p-value upp-value downFDR upFDR down

  • Individual experiment result
    ( "-" represent NA in the specific microarray platform )

Data sourceUp or downLog fold change

5. Regulation relationships with compounds/drugs/microRNAs

  • Compounds

Not regulated by compounds

  • Drugs

Not regulated by drugs

  • MicroRNAs

    • mirTarBase
No target information from mirTarBase
    • mirRecord
No target information from mirRecord

6. Text-mining results about the gene

Gene occurances in abstracts of cellular senescence-associated articles: 5 abstracts the gene occurs.

PubMed ID of the article

Sentenece the gene occurs

24169561Decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells (ESCs) accompanied by the production of prolactin (PRL) and IGF-binding protein (IGFBP) 1 and rounded-cell morphology is indispensable for the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy
24169561Knock-down of CRT expression in cultured ESCs significantly inhibited PKA-selective cAMP analog- or PKA-selective cAMP analog plus EPAC-selective cAMP analog-induced PRL and IGFBP1 expression
24169561Furthermore, CRT knock-down suppressed the ovarian steroid-stimulated PRL and IGFBP1 expression and morphological differentiation, and silencing of EPAC2 or CRT significantly increased senescence-associated beta-galactosidase activity with enhanced p21 expression and decreased p53 expression
21251764The presented hypothesis substantiates milk's physiological role as a signalling system for pancreatic beta-cell proliferation by milk's ability to increase prolactin-, growth hormone and incretin-signalling
20032052Prolactin exerts a prosurvival effect on human spermatozoa via mechanisms that involve the stimulation of Akt phosphorylation and suppression of caspase activation and capacitation
20032052The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of prolactin (PRL) on human sperm function, in light of a recent proteomic analysis indicating that these cells express the PRL receptor (PRLR)
20032052A combination of Western blot analyses and immunocytochemistry demonstrated that PRL inhibited sperm capacitation in a dose-dependent manner, suppressing SRC kinase activation and phosphotyrosine expression, two hallmarks of this process
20032052Western blot analyses indicated that the prosurvival effect of PRL on human spermatozoa involved the stimulation of Akt phosphorylation, whereas inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase and Akt negated this effect, as did the direct induction of sperm capacitation with cAMP analogues
20032052We conclude that PRL is a prosurvival factor for human spermatozoa that prevents these cells from defaulting to an intrinsic apoptotic pathway associated with cell senescence
9818729Thymulin stimulates prolactin and thyrotropin release in an age-related manner
9818729Thymulin is a Zn-bound nonapeptide produced by the thymic epithelial cells (TEC) whose secretion is modulated by prolactin (PRL) and thyroid hormones, among other hormones
9818729We assessed the ability of thymulin to influence the release of PRL and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) from dispersed anterior pituitary (AP) cells from young, middle-aged and senescent Sprague-Dawley female rats
9818729Perifused and incubated AP cells were used in different sets of experiments and PRL and TSH release was measured by radioimmunoassay
9818729Supernatants from TEC lines also showed PRL and TSH secretagogue activity
9818729Coincubation of thymulin with TRH revealed a synergistic release of PRL and TSH in AP cells from all age groups
9818729The cAMP enhancers, caffeine, NaF and forskolin, significantly increased the thymulin-stimulated release of PRL and TSH, while trifluoperazine, a protein kinase C inhibitor, had no effect
9818729The inositol phosphate enhancer LiCl, potentiated the action of thymulin on PRL and TSH
8844643We have now evaluated the in vitro effects of histone and nucleohistone preparations on the secretion of prolactin (PRL) in perifused pituitary cells from young (4 months) and senescent (29-33 months) female rats
8844643In vitro basal PRL release was similar in both age groups
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