HCSGD entry for SLC30A10
1. General information
Official gene symbol | SLC30A10 |
Entrez ID | 55532 |
Gene full name | solute carrier family 30, member 10 |
Other gene symbols | HMDPC ZNT10 ZNT8 ZRC1 ZnT-10 |
Links to Entrez Gene | Links to Entrez Gene |
2. Neighbors in the network

This gene isn't in PPI subnetwork.
3. Gene ontology annotation
GO ID | GO term | Evidence | Category |
GO:0005886 | Plasma membrane | IEA | cellular_component |
GO:0006829 | Zinc ion transport | IEA | biological_process |
GO:0008324 | Cation transmembrane transporter activity | IEA | molecular_function |
GO:0016021 | Integral component of membrane | IEA | cellular_component |
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4. Expression levels in datasets
- Meta-analysis result
p-value up | p-value down | FDR up | FDR down |
0.2131253182 | 0.9138246685 | 0.8897069616 | 1.0000000000 |
- Individual experiment result
( "-" represent NA in the specific microarray platform )
( "-" represent NA in the specific microarray platform )
Data source | Up or down | Log fold change |
GSE11954 | Up | 0.0205274950 |
GSE13712_SHEAR | Up | 0.0873472028 |
GSE13712_STATIC | Up | 0.0682626488 |
GSE19018 | Up | 0.1151639569 |
GSE19899_A1 | Up | 0.0080631717 |
GSE19899_A2 | Up | 0.0499858251 |
PubMed_21979375_A1 | Down | -0.0888612440 |
PubMed_21979375_A2 | Down | -0.0469304207 |
GSE35957 | Up | 0.0652947855 |
GSE36640 | Up | 0.0942742302 |
GSE54402 | Up | 0.0138616419 |
GSE9593 | Up | 0.1550577862 |
GSE43922 | Up | 0.0161069595 |
GSE24585 | Up | 1.4888309230 |
GSE37065 | Down | -0.0354026389 |
GSE28863_A1 | Down | -0.0175025653 |
GSE28863_A2 | Up | 0.0894941697 |
GSE28863_A3 | Up | 0.1875130704 |
GSE28863_A4 | Up | 0.0949662704 |
GSE48662 | Down | -0.1037286989 |
5. Regulation relationships with compounds/drugs/microRNAs
- Compounds
Not regulated by compounds
- Drugs
Not regulated by drugs
- MicroRNAs
- mirTarBase
- mirTarBase
MiRNA_name | mirBase ID | miRTarBase ID | Experiment | Support type | References (Pubmed ID) |
hsa-miR-26b-5p | MIMAT0000083 | MIRT030334 | Microarray | Functional MTI (Weak) | 19088304 |
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- mirRecord
No target information from mirRecord
- mirRecord
6. Text-mining results about the gene
Gene occurances in abstracts of cellular senescence-associated articles: 1 abstracts the gene occurs.
PubMed ID of the article | Sentenece the gene occurs |
22427991 | Angiotensin II requires zinc and downregulation of the zinc transporters ZnT3 and ZnT10 to induce senescence of vascular smooth muscle cells |
22427991 | We found that Ang II-induced senescence is a zinc-dependent pathway mediated by the downregulation of the zinc transporters ZnT3 and ZnT10, which work to reduce cytosolic zinc |
22427991 | Zinc increases Ang II-induced senescence, while the zinc chelator TPEN, as well as overexpression of ZnT3 or ZnT10, decreases ROS and prevents senescence |
22427991 | Using HEK293 cells, we found that ZnT10 localizes in recycling endosomes and transports zinc into vesicles to prevent zinc toxicity |
22427991 | Zinc and ZnT3/ZnT10 downregulation induces senescence by decreasing the expression of catalase |
22427991 | Consistently, ZnT3 and ZnT10 downregulation by siRNA increases ROS while downregulation of catalase by siRNA induces senescence |
22427991 | These data demonstrate that zinc homeostasis dysfunction by decreased expression of ZnT3 or ZnT10 promotes senescence and that Ang II-induced senescence is a zinc and ROS-dependent process |
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