HCSGD entry for TUBA3FP
1. General information
Official gene symbol | TUBA3FP |
Entrez ID | 113691 |
Gene full name | tubulin, alpha 3f, pseudogene |
Other gene symbols | |
Links to Entrez Gene | Links to Entrez Gene |
2. Neighbors in the network

This gene isn't in Literature mining network.
3. Gene ontology annotation
Not in the Gene ontology4. Expression levels in datasets
- Meta-analysis result
p-value up | p-value down | FDR up | FDR down |
0.9459503780 | 0.2015955055 | 0.9999902473 | 0.8685608511 |
- Individual experiment result
( "-" represent NA in the specific microarray platform )
( "-" represent NA in the specific microarray platform )
Data source | Up or down | Log fold change |
GSE11954 | Down | -0.1375911655 |
GSE13712_SHEAR | Down | -0.2404170027 |
GSE13712_STATIC | Down | -0.0900582076 |
GSE19018 | Up | 0.0316746425 |
GSE19899_A1 | Down | -0.1896955891 |
GSE19899_A2 | Down | -0.1703795959 |
PubMed_21979375_A1 | Down | -0.1169824384 |
PubMed_21979375_A2 | Down | -0.3011382820 |
GSE35957 | Down | -0.1335631431 |
GSE36640 | Up | 0.3207322282 |
GSE54402 | Down | -0.1314460840 |
GSE9593 | Up | 0.0241439780 |
GSE43922 | Up | 0.0244907202 |
GSE24585 | Up | 0.1717938908 |
GSE37065 | Down | -0.2347323333 |
GSE28863_A1 | Down | -0.0149407775 |
GSE28863_A2 | Down | -0.0053688809 |
GSE28863_A3 | Up | 0.0703157558 |
GSE28863_A4 | Down | -0.0705427087 |
GSE48662 | Down | -0.1457412097 |